What is the Zero-Percent Loan (PTZ)?
This is a system through which the regional government of Guadeloupe covers the equivalent cost of interest on loans taken out by households in Guadeloupe to purchase and install solar water heating systems. The loan (prêt à taux 0%, PTZ) is quite simple and easy to use.
The loan period is 12, 24, 48 or 60 months.
The PTZ covers solar water heaters with a retail price of between €1,000 and €2,400 euros.
Who can take out this loan?
The PTZ is available to all households with no restrictions on housing type or income, other than the conditions for obtaining loans from partner banks.
Note: The PTZ is subject to the standard credit rules. By signing up, you agree to pay your monthly payments. Check your ability to repay before signing up.
What does the buyer pay?
Each month, the buyer pays the price of the installation divided by the selected number of monthly payments. (For example, for a €1,600 water heater, the buyer would pay the bank €26.70 per month for 60 months, or less than 1 euro per day!)
What role does the regional government play?
The regional government finances the equivalent cost of the interest for the purchase and installation of the water heater. It pays its share directly to the retailer. This means consumers can borrow less, so the total cost of repayments (loan period multiplied by the monthly payment amount) will be equal to the purchase price of the solar water heater.
How do you get your own PTZ?
You choose a water heater from your preferred vendor and complete your loan application with the vendor. You choose the partner bank where you will send your monthly payments. You only begin paying the monthly payments after installation is complete. Note: The loan may carry the disclaimer that it is “subject to review by the partner bank and to loan approval.” You have the right to withdraw.